目錄Contents 指揮官序Preface 細說鎮海Elaborate on Zhen-Hai 高雄港建設Establishment of Kaohsiung Harbor 高雄警備府建設Establishment of Takao Garrison Administration 海軍兵志願者訓練所、高雄海兵團Navy Volunteer Training Center, Takao Legion 震洋特攻隊 Special Attack Units Shinyo 第六海軍燃料廠The Sixth Navy Fuel Plant 中曾根康弘Nakasone Yasuhiro 高雄警備府所屬部門Departments of Takao Garrison Administration 水交社 Japanese Navy Officers Club 海軍病院Navy Hospital 高雄大空襲Kaohsiung Air Raid 空襲臺灣的航空母艦Aircraft Carrier struck Taiwan 空襲臺灣的美國戰機 US fighters struck Taiwan 鎮海建築特色 Characteristics of Zhen-Hai Building 高雄警備府屋上機砲 Machine Gun on the roof of Takao Garrison Administration 鎮海樓貓道 Cat Path in Zhen-Hai Building 防空壕與防空蓄水池 Air Defense Bunker and Reservoir 鎮海營區機槍碉堡 Machine Gun Bunker in Zhen-Hai Barracks 鎮海營區地下通道 Underground Tunnel in Zhen-Hai Barracks ?咕石建築 Lao-Gu stone Architecture 鎮海營區防空指揮所 Aire Defense Command Post in Zhen-Hai Barracks 平衡錘窗Counterbalance Window 荒鷲砲臺 Hungchiu Fort 鎮海樓與日式宿舍群 Zhen-Hai Building and Japanese-Style Quarters 鎮海史略 Zhen-Hai History 二戰之後的艦艇成軍 Ships Commissioning after WWII 沉船打撈與日遺物資清查 Shipwreck salvage and Japanese relics investigation 丹陽軍艦的一生 Life of DD-12 (RCNS Dan-Yang) 中美聯合演習 Sino-American Joint Exercises 海軍子弟學校 Schools for Navy Families 鎮海拾遺 Supplement 後記Postscript 編後語 Editor’s Notes