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    ROC National Defense Report 2...
    參考分類(CIP): 國防;防務


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    本次國防報告書為第16 次出版,係依《國防法》第 30 條之規定,向國人說明當前安全環境、國軍戰備整備與國防施政成效。此次以「打造堅韌新國軍」為主軸,凸顯在應對當前戰略環境及中共日益升高對臺軍事威脅,國軍戮力戰訓整備、推動國防自主及後備動員改革等施政,提升整體戰力,打造成為堅韌的勁旅,以確保國家安全,促使國人肯定國軍,進而支持國防、重視國防。全書以「緒論」導引,區分「區域情勢」、「國防戰力」、「國防自主」、「國防治理」及「榮耀國軍」5 篇
    determined, by holding the belief of “our country can only be saved on our own” and Master Sun Tzu’s saying that
    “do not rely on the enemy’s not coming, but one’s ability to meet it,” to maintaining combat readiness at all times and
    carrying out rigorous training activities, so as to go all-out to safeguard our sovereignty, our people, and our beloved
    This is the 16th edition of National Defense Report for the MND, as requested by Article 30 of the National Defense
    Act, to elaborate changes in the current security environment, and provide an update on ROC Armed Forces’
    combat readiness and the implementation of our national defense policies to the people. Under the current strategic
    environment and PRC’s mounting military threats towards our nation, this edition with “Forging a Resilient and New
    Armed Forces” as the theme, is aimed at manifesting the ROC Armed Forces’ dedication to developing asymmetric
    capabilities, maintaining combat readiness, carrying on training activities, advancing a self-reliant defense, and
    reforming reserve affairs and mobilization, to enhance their overall combat power and transform them as a resilient
    combat force, so as to safeguard our nation and win the recognition from our people to support and look upon the
    undertakings of national defense.
    The report covers the period from October 2019 to August 2021, and is divided into 5 parts: Regional Posture,
    National Defense Capabilities, Self-reliant Defense, National Defense Governance, and Heritage of Honor and Glory.