一般分類: 政府出版 > 台灣好好玩
    Guide book for the interprete...
    編/著者: 林俊全/總編輯
    參考分類(CIP): 臺灣


    定價:  $150 

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      | 內容簡介 |
    1.本解說員手冊主要是提供澎湖的解說員的解說參考。介紹澎湖主要的地質、地形、氣候、水文、生態、文化特性。 2.本解說手冊以大?葉、小門嶼、奎壁山三個景點,說明景點的特性與相關遊程。 3.本解說手冊並說明有關地景保育的重要性與相關規劃的重要性。
    Table of Contents 04 Reading Penghu Landscape 14 location, and original place name 16 basalt, rock type, occurrence, characters and distribution of basalt 20 eruptions of different time, characteristics of magma, and rock evolution 22 strata, age of basaltic r ocks 26 Penghu Formation 28 inter-tidal zone, tide difference 30 external process (endogenesis, exogenesis) 32 The main basaltic l andscapes of the a rchipelago can be classified into four types 34 joint, column joint 36 The flat mesa-like basalt 38 sea level change 40 weathering process, weathered landform, spherical weathering 42 Red soil, and soil 44 coastal erosion landform, sea cliff, sea cave 46 difference weathering, Maokon rock. 48 deposition landscape 50 inter-tidal zone, tidal difference, and tombolo 52 Island ecology 54 Marine resources 58 plant resources, indicator plants 60 Bird ecology, bird-watching 62 stone fishing weirs, and their distribution and maintenance 64 Lao-gu shi (coral rocks/stones), architecture, wind breakers for vegetable gardens 66 archeological sites, brief history of Penghu 70 Hsiaomen Geosite 76 weathering profile of Dagoyeh 78 flame structure 80 Columnar joints of Dagouyeh 84 Kueibishan geosite 86 Cheyu (red islet), differential weathering, and ultrabasic olivine 90 nature reserve, the Nature Reserve of Penghu 92 geopark, Penghu Marine Geopark, the core values of geoparks