The reason for exploring Taiwanese literature from an island perspective can be found in the large number of Taiwan’s surrounding islands. In the planning of this volume, we have chosen to introduce the works of thirteen writers. When necessary, we will mention other works depending on the situation. However, due to limited space, the size of the text samples is restricted, so naturally it is impossible to cover everything. Generally speaking then, the purpose of this volume is to regard the texts of Taiwanese literature as reflections of local island perspectives in the hope of demonstrating the significance of Taiwan’s experience to island researchers around the world.
【About the Editors】
Kuo-ch'ing Tu, born in Taichung, Taiwan. His research interests include Chinese literature, Chinese poetics and literary theories, comparative literature East and West, and world literatures of Chinese (Shi-Hua wenxue). He is the author of numerous books of poetry in Chinese, as well as translator of English, Japanese, and French works into Chinese.
Terence Russell is Senior Scholar in the Asian Studies Center at the University of Manitoba. He has an interest in contemporary literature in Chinese, especially the literature of Taiwan's Indigenous people. Dr. Russell has been a regular contributor to Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, and was the guest editor of Issue 24 on Taiwan Indigenous myths and oral literature.
Guest Editor
Huang Mei-e received her PhD from the Institute of Chinese Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University. She is currently a professor at the Institute of Taiwanese Literature at National Taiwan University. She has served as the director of the Institute of Taiwanese Literature at National Taiwan University and the chairman of the Taiwan Literature Society.
本叢刊一向强調台灣文學的主體性,乃是建立在台灣人的主體意識的自覺。台灣人主體意識發展的文化背景與移民社會的形成變遷,從歷史的角度加以觀察,一如前述,與中國大陸的關係亦無可諱言。在〈台灣島嶼視缐〉這一專輯,我們換從地理的角度,以台灣島嶼的視缐,選譯具有島嶼意識的作品加以觀察。這一島嶼視缐的構想,突顯台灣的地理特點,希望能為台灣文學研究提供新風景和新論域。黃美娥教授在導論中指出,以「島嶼」視角重探台灣文學,是受到台灣歷史學家曹永和教授(Ts’ao Yung-ho,1920-2014)所倡議的「台灣島史觀」的啓發,特別是以島嶼研究作為方法論,標舉島嶼的地理特性,以海洋為中介,而與世界保持交往和聯繫的觀點。
黃教授的島嶼視缐,在選文上,不限於台灣本島,還包括外島澎湖、蘭嶼、金門和馬祖,基本上是根據中華民國的政治版圖,具有反映現實疆域的意義,也展現台灣及其外島的島嶼意識。導論中進而引述法國詩人哲學家愛德華.格里桑(Edouard Glissant,1928-2011)的島嶼理論。建立在「群島」(archipel)思想與「關係詩學」(Poetique de la relation)的概念基礎上,格理桑倡議將大陸文化「群島化」,將文學空間構建在島嶼文化關係上,突顯不同文化之間的混雜、交應、融合。關於島嶼和群島問題,導論也引述另一位太平洋島嶼學者郝歐法(Epeli Hau’ofa,1939-2009)的理論,以「島嶼之洋」(a sea of islands)概念,取代「遠洋之島」(islands in a far sea)的主張。要而言之,三位學者對台灣的島嶼視缐具有共同和交集的地方,亦即,將台灣島放置在國際架構中,將海洋當作島嶼和外界連結的中介,透過台灣四周的海洋,將視野伸展到世界全球,展望台灣文學與文化研究的前景。
Foreword to the Special Issue on Taiwan’s Island Vision / Kuo-ch’ing Tu
〈台灣島嶼視線專輯〉卷頭語 / 杜國清
The View from the Islands: New Topography and New Discourse in Taiwan Literature / Huang Mei-e
島嶼視線:台灣文學的新風景與新論域 / 黃美娥
Beautiful Island 美麗島 / Yang Huan
Formosa 福爾摩沙 / Liu Ka-shiang
Nation 國家 / Lee Min Yung
Taiwan’s Tail 台灣尾 / Kuo-ch’ing Tu
Island Song—For the Children of Taiwan 島嶼之歌-給台灣的孩子 / Chen Li
Afterword—At the Island’s Edge 跋-在島嶼邊緣 / Chen Li
The Flying Fish and the Lily 飛魚百合 / Liao Hung-chi
Sirenum Formosa 婆娑之島 / Ping Lu
Legend of the Isles 島的傳說 / Horace Ho
The Face of the Moon 月亮的臉 / Horace Ho
The Sweet Potato King 蕃薯王 / Yang Shu-ching
Spring on a Desolate Island 荒島之春 / Huang K’ochuan
Fog 霧 / Wu Chunyao
Auntie Bao 寶姨 / Liu Hung-wen
Reflections 回首 / Hao Yu-hsiang
Island Inn 逆旅 / Hao Yu-hsiang
The Big Island and the Small Island 大島與小島 / Syaman Rapongan
Searching for the Code of the Islands 尋覓島嶼符號 / Syaman Rapongan
If I Were There如果我在那裡 / Wu Chunyao
The Moving Island 移動的島 / Huang Chong-kai
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