譯者序 I 1.美國文武關係的諷刺 The Irony of American Civil-Military Relations\Peter D. Feaver 1 2.最佳的軍事建言 Best Military Advice\James E. Cartwright 13 3.超越資深軍事領導者辭職抗議爭論:文武對話的新架構 Beyond the Resignation Debate: A New Framework for Civil-Military Dialogue\Jim Golby 19 4.多少才足夠 How Much Is Enough\Lindsay P. Cohen 53 5.後九一一的文武關係:有改善的空間 Post- 911 Civil-Military Relations: Room for Improvement\Thomas Sheppard and Bryan Groves 69 6.軍官:沒有政黨偏好的政治 Military Officers: Political Without Partisanship\Mackubin Thomas Owens 99 7.用將星換現金:軍事專業倫理是否適用於退伍人員? Cashing In” Stars:Does the Professional Ethic Apply in Retirement? \Marybeth Peterson Ulrich 115