《屏東縣魯凱族婦女紋手調查》是繼《屏東縣排灣族女性紋手調查》後,探究少有專人專書關注的魯凱族女性紋手文化。柯玉卿老師透過長時間的田野調查,四處尋訪尚在人世的魯凱族紋手耆老。 藉由本書的問世,不僅能夠充實和豐富屏東縣相關文獻資料,展現屏東地方文化的多樣性,更能對魯凱族的民族知識體系建構,略添磚瓦。期待藉本書所傳逹的深遠文化意義,促使各界能更積極投入更多心力,有效而落實的進行原住民族各族文化的研究與整理。Followed by an Investigation on Paiwan women’s hand-totem in Pingtung County, an investigation on Rukai women’s hand-totem in Pingtung County is the second book about Taiwan Indigenous women’s hand- totem published by Pingtung County Government. Before these two books being published, tattoos on Taiwan Indigenous wowen’s hands is rarely being concerned and studied as a culture book. Ms. Yu-cing Ke, the writer, had been devoted herself to field survey looking for the elder with hand totems for years. This book would enrich the indigenous document, reveal culture diversity in Pingtung county, and a further help to set up Rukai Knowledge base as well. Moreover, it aims to affect more people keep positively participating in study work of Taiwan Indigenous culture.