出版序Preface 張善楠Shannan CHANG 編輯語Editorial Introduction 黃郁倫Yulun HUANG 專文Research Articles 陶器:進入臺灣史前史的主要途徑Pottery Studies: A Major Pathway into the Prehistory of Taiwan 臧振華Cheng-hwa TSANG 研發與創新:論南科園區出土大坌坑文化的陶器叢集Invention and Innovation: Discussion on the Issue of Tapenkeng Pottery Assemblages Unearthed from Tainan Science Park 李匡悌Kuangti LI 臧振華Cheng-hwa TSANG 朱正宜Cheng-yi CHU 原鄉的記憶:談長光遺址大坌坑文化陶器Hometown Memories: The Tapenkeng Pottery of the Changkuang Site 葉美珍Mei-Chen YEH 花東海岸新石器時代晚期的陶容器類型Types of Late Neolithic Pottery Vessels in the East Coast of Taiwan 李坤修Kun-Hsiu LEE 卑南遺址陶杯的初步考察A Preliminary Investigation on Pottery Cup of the Peinan Site 黃國恩Kuo-En HUANG 淇武蘭遺址傳統陶器的功能與意義探討The Function and Meaning of Kiwulan Site’s Traditional Pottery 陳有貝Yu-Pei CHEN 圖版Plates 生活陶In Daily Use 儀式陶In Ritual Use 風格演變The Evolution of Style 索引Index