此專書主要匯集來自馬來西亞、印尼、印度、菲律賓、泰國、中國、香港、韓國及台灣等地在石斑魚養殖上,從事頂尖研究著名專家學者之論文,其內容主要包括:種魚的管理、孵化、中間蓄養及養殖;營養、飼料及加工處理等。 This book reviews the research and development status as well as commercial production of groupers in Asia and Australia。 The first five chapters deal with research and development activities intended to improve mass larval production, nursery and grow-out culture of groupers in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines。 Culture trials of groupers as well as its prospects in India are presented in Chapter 6。 Chapters 7 to 10 summarize the current status of grouper aquaculture in China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and Australia, where reviews on culture methods employed for larval production, nursery and grow-out, some problems associated with culture operations, recent innovations to improve production, as well as trading and marketing are presented and discussed。 Health and nutrition of groupers are discussed in Chapter 11, while a detailed study on the prophylaxis of two major viral diseases (iridovirus and nodavirus) of groupers is presented in Chapter 12。 Finally, a simple economic analysis on the grouper industry of Taiwan is discussed in Chapter 13。 Overall, this book will provide a great deal of information on the current research, development and existing culture technologies for several grouper species。 This will be useful for fishery biologists, academician, students, commercial sectors and others who are interested to venture on the popular and profitable grouper aquaculture industry。 And as a way of promoting increased consumer acceptance of groupers, some delicious grouper cuisine recipes are included in the Appendix, which will guide readers on the step-by-step procedures in preparing wonderful grouper-based dishes。