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    古文今用─洋弟子學《論語》(Ancient Texts w...
    編/著者: 劉亮吟
    參考分類(CIP): 漢語


    定價:  $520 

    定價:530 元
    定價:360 元
    定價:420 元
    定價:300 元
    定價:200 元
      | 內容簡介 |

    全書編纂中英文,文辭深入淺出,引經據典,出處可尋,巨細糜遺,是洋學生學習中華古文名句的濫觴。也是當代華語文教材中,古文學習最充實、簡易實用,值得採用的一部教本。──前國立臺灣師範大學國語文中心主任 葉德明教授

    前國立臺灣師範大學國語文中心主任 葉德明
    政大華語文碩博士學位學程講座教授 顧百里
    國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系教授 曾金金

    這是一本適用於英語國家的漢語課程或通識教育文化課程的教科書,也是提供全球所有漢語非母語的學習者(CSL-Chinese as Second Language Learners)「自學」關於中華儒家文化的引導書籍。

    【ACTFL OPI 模式的模擬口試】提供口語練習的話題實例以及角色扮演等活動;
    【生詞的延伸學習】以TOCFL 和 HSK 詞彙做整理;
    Short Biography of the Writer – Dr. Celia Liu劉亮吟

    Dr. Celia Liu is currently the Academic Director of Chinese Studies at the Department of World Languages and Cultures, The College of New Jersey.Dr. Liu received her Doctor of Education degree from the Graduate School of Education The University of Pennsylvania. (Upenn.) She also has an M.A.T. (Master of Arts in Teaching) from Rutgers University, an MBA (Master in Business Administration) in Public Accounting and an M.S. (Master of Science) in Taxation from Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business.
    With this cross-disciplinary background, Dr. Liu’s teaching experiences covers Chinese Languages and Philosophy courses, International Transitional Seminar and Accounting courses at The College of New Jersey and the Rutgers Business School. She holds a certification of eligibility for K-12 World Language Education and Early Childhood Education in the State of New Jersey. She maintains a full certification as a tester for the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Oral Proficiency Interview examination since 2015.
    She has conducted numerous Internet Teaching Training workshops, and seminars sponsored by the Taiwan Overseas Community Affair Council (OCAC), the National Council of Associations of Chinese Schools (NCACLS) and ACTFL for Chinese language teachers regionally and nationwide. She also taught Technology-Teaching courses for the STARTALK Program at Toledo University.
    She composes language-teaching contents for workshops and was the principal writer for the online Mandarin course at Rutgers University. Being heavily involved with community services, Dr. Liu served many positions in the local organization and community Chinese school boards and was frequently invited to local, schools, and college students’ events as a guest speaker on cross-cultural topics. She served as a board member at the community Chinese School Associations, Chinese language immersion school, and NECTFL (Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), one of five regional organizations in the U.S. that belong to and work alongside the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
    推薦序一 Prefix 1/葉德明 (3)
    推薦序二 Prefix 2/顧百里 (4)
    推薦序三 Prefix 3/曾金金 (5)
    關於本書和作者 Introduction of this book and the author (6)
    推薦教學指引 Teaching Guides (15)
    課程活動與課後作業 Class Activities and Assignments (15)
    文化討論話題 Topics for Culture Discussion (29)
    第一章 孝順 1
    Chapter 1 Quotes related to filial piety
    第二章 朋友 21
    Chapter 2 Quotes related to friendship
    第三章 君子或小人 41
    Chapter 3 Quotes related to a gentleman or a pitiful man
    第四章 學習 59
    Chapter 4 Quotes related to learning
    第五章 禮 77
    Chapter 5 Quotes related to propriety
    第六章 快樂 99
    Chapter 6 Quotes related to happiness in life
    第七章 音樂 125
    Chapter 7 Quotes related to music
    第八章 仁愛 147
    Chapter 8 Quotes related to benevolence
    第九章 道德 169
    Chapter 9 Quotes related to virtues
    第十章 政治 189
    Chapter 10 Quotes related to politics
    附錄 215
    附錄一  生詞延伸學習—漢語水平考試(HSK) 和華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)
    Extended Vocabulary Learning on HSK & TOCFL 216
    附錄二  美國總統在演說中引用中文古名言之實例 World Leaders Quoting the
    Analects or Chinese Proverb 301
    附錄三  東西方古代哲學家對照年誌圖 Timeline of Western and Chinese
    philosophers 323