    Sport and Exercise Psychology...
    編/著者: Aidan Moran

    定價: $3180

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    Moran (cognitive psychology, U. College Dublin, Ireland) introduces undergraduate and graduate students in sport psychology, health psychology, sport science, physical education, kinesiology, and leisure management to sport and exercise psychology. With much of the material updated for this edition, he covers the nature, foundations, and current status of the field; research findings on motivation, anxiety, concentration, mental imagery, and expertise in athletes; group processes and team dynamics; and exercise behavior and the psychology of injury rehabilitation. The text has been rewritten and updated with new material on topics such as neuroscience and motor imagery, confidence, what psychologists do at the Olympics, goal-setting in a team environment, attentional control theory, the question of whether team cohesion can be harmful, self-determination theory, unusual causes of sports injuries, and new issues such as grunting in tennis, the psychology of penalty shootouts, mindfulness training as a concentration technique, the effects of music on physical activity, and the use of computer games to encourage exercise and activity. It also has many new references, new photos, new critical thinking exercises, and revised, updated, and added suggestions for research projects, and includes contemporary examples and insights from leading athletes and coaches. Annotation �穢2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)